Bais Menachem

Bais Menachem

2127 W Parmer Ln Austin, TX

Daycare & Child Care, Preschools, Center

Ages served

12 mos - 13 yrs


8am - 4pm


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Program details

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About Bais Menachem

Bais Menachem hosts early child care and education in a center-based environment in Austin. As a center, Bais Menachem provides a structured, stable environment that’s optimized to provide students with the best of quality education alongside the empathetic care you’d expect from anyone watching children. Centers like Bais Menachem are popular choices for parents that want the resources and enrichment opportunities for their children that can come at a larger facility but also value rich socialization with both peers and non-family adults. The full-time schedule at Bais Menachem likewise gives parents who want their children to learn and grow as much as possible to do just that! The full-time schedule gives children the opportunity to form in-depth bonds with their classmates and the adults at Bais Menachem and the opportunity to feel a part of a real community outside of the home. Children will play, grow, laugh and learn day in, day out, and with a repeated, structured learning environment, they’ll be well set up for what’s ahead. Additionally, Bais Menachem takes an arts-based educational approach, giving students exposure to the visual arts, music, movement and storytelling. Arts-based educational approaches value the process of creation over the end product and focus on building student confidence through the emotional satisfaction that comes with creating something personal. Through hands-on experience in a variety of mediums and exploration with peers and staff, students gain a unique blend of emotional, intellectual, creative and motor skills.

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