God's Tiny Garden of Love

God's Tiny Garden of Love

23217 Tall Poplar Drive Clarksburg, MD

Daycare & Child Care, In Home

Ages served

2 mos - 12 yrs


8am - 5pm


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Program details

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God's Tiny Garden of LoveGod's Tiny Garden of LoveGod's Tiny Garden of Love

About God's Tiny Garden of Love

Naidy Quiroz, a child care provider with God's help, aims to enrich the lives of the children in her care by promoting experiences that will help them grow, encouraging and planning for their cognitive, social, emotional, physical, creative and spiritual development. Every aspect of their lives helps them grow to manage their minds, body and spiritual connection with themselves and others. My bilingual program aims to provide a developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children and support their families. We value diversity and anti-bias attitudes. My program seeks to provide a carefully planned nurturing environment for young children. The curriculum emphasizes play, social interaction, creativity, and curiosity. My bilingual program’s heart is dedicated to providing every child with individual attention, support, and encouragement.

Team & training

Enrollment process

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