Bethel's Family Christian Academy
14442 Fonmeadow Dr Houston, TX
Daycare & Child Care, Preschools, Center
Ages served
12 mos - 13 yrs
6:30am - 6pm
Program details
See program detailsEnrichment activities
See enrichment activitiesAbout Bethel's Family Christian Academy
The philosophy of Bethel’s Christian Academy is based on the belief in the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Our aim is to provide a holistic approach to education that encompasses church, school (BCA), faculty and family. Bethel’s Christian Academy promotes a high standard of education that is inspired by the Word of God, which is profitable for teaching, correction, reproof and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be adequate and equipped for every good work. Our preschool teachers work hard to ensure that your child is actively learning throughout the day. We plan daily lessons to encourage and challenge your preschooler to learn all they can about the world around them. Our academics focus on language arts, math, writing, art science, social and emotional skills, character development, physical and fine motor skills and the Bible. We have many fun opportunities for kids to be involved in during their instructional time. It’s always amazing to see their growth.