Xuanhoa Ninh Luong
11102 Wortham Gate Dr Houston, TX
Daycare & Child Care, Preschools, In Home
Ages served
Up to 13 yrs
6am - 8pm
Program details
See program details (opens in a new tab)About Xuanhoa Ninh Luong
Xuanhoa Ninh Luong is an in-home early child care program in Houston. With tight community, family-like environments and small group sizes, home-based child care like at Xuanhoa Ninh Luong can be a popular choice for parents and families, especially those looking to secure care for the first or second time outside of the family home. Home-based care also provides a real chance for children to bond with caregivers, as overall settings tend to be smaller than at child care centers, and parents and caregivers can really work as a team to deliver quality care for children. Xuanhoa Ninh Luong’s part-time schedule additionally gives Houston parents exactly what they may be looking for - the flexibility to work and take care of household responsibilities but the ability to still spend as much time as possible with their child. Children are able to form bonds, make friends and learn the joys of collaboration at Xuanhoa Ninh Luong with the time that they’ll be with each other, but still benefit from time outside of their structured setting to grow every day.