First Lutheran Preschool Dba

First Lutheran Preschool Dba

8358 Darby Avenue Northridge, CA

Daycare & Child Care, Preschools, Center

Ages served






First Lutheran Preschool Dba

8358 Darby Avenue Northridge, CA

First Lutheran Preschool Dba

provider age range iconUnknown
provider hours iconUnknown
provider hours iconDaycare & Child Care, Preschools

Program details

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About First Lutheran Preschool Dba

First Lutheran Preschool Dba hosts early child care and education in a center-based environment in Los Angeles. As a center, First Lutheran Preschool Dba provides a structured, stable environment that’s optimized to provide students with the best of quality education alongside the empathetic care you’d expect from anyone watching children. Centers like First Lutheran Preschool Dba are popular choices for parents that want the resources and enrichment opportunities for their children that can come at a larger facility but also value rich socialization with both peers and non-family adults.

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