Maof Eastmont Early Learning Center
711 N. Hoefner Ave Los Angeles, CA
Daycare & Child Care, Preschools, Center
Ages served
2 yrs - 5 yrs
Program details
See program detailsAbout Maof Eastmont Early Learning Center
Maof Eastmont Early Learning Center values what early education can do for the hearts and minds of children. Maof Eastmont Early Learning Center hosts a child care program in a center-based facility, bringing the best of a stable, structured learning environment to the families and students of Los Angeles. Centers like Maof Eastmont Early Learning Center are popular choices amongst families looking for an early education providers with the space and resources to provide real enrichment, activities and socialization opportunities, all while not sacrificing the community and relationships that help students grow and thrive. The full-time schedule at Maof Eastmont Early Learning Center likewise gives parents who want their children to learn and grow as much as possible to do just that! The full-time schedule gives children the opportunity to form in-depth bonds with their classmates and the adults at Maof Eastmont Early Learning Center and the opportunity to feel a part of a real community outside of the home. Children will play, grow, laugh and learn day in, day out, and with a repeated, structured learning environment, they’ll be well set up for what’s ahead.