Montessori Preschool
4024 Wade Street Los Angeles, CA
Daycare & Child Care, Preschools, Center
Ages served
2 yrs - 5 yrs
7:30am - 6pm
Program details
See program details (opens in a new tab)About Montessori Preschool
The first few years are a joy to behold and the learning and fun that happen within them is formative for success ahead! Montessori Preschool is a center-based child care provider serving children, parents and families in Los Angeles. Centers like Montessori Preschool are popular choices with families that value getting the best of early educational enrichment, in the form of stimulating activities and a peer set of similarly-aged children, along with an environment that feels like formal school and can help smooth the transition ahead. The full-time schedule at Montessori Preschool likewise gives parents who want their children to learn and grow as much as possible to do just that! The full-time schedule gives children the opportunity to form in-depth bonds with their classmates and the adults at Montessori Preschool and the opportunity to feel a part of a real community outside of the home. Children will play, grow, laugh and learn day in, day out, and with a repeated, structured learning environment, they’ll be well set up for what’s ahead. Montessori Preschool also offers a Montessori curriculum to students and families. A Montessori curriculum emphasizes independence, discovery, self-discipline and self-motivation for students, with educational philosophy roots dating back over one hundred years. Montessori schools like Montessori Preschool will often have specific Montessori learning standards and learning materials to ensure best practices and consistency with time-honored Montessori methods, as well as a Montessori-inspired environment that’s clean, orderly and harmonious, crafted to allow students to move, interact and self-construct their learning space.