Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School

Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School

5213 Crebs Ave Tarzana, CA


Ages served



9am - 5pm



Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School

5213 Crebs Ave Tarzana, CA

Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School

provider age range iconUnknown
provider hours icon9:00am - 5:00pm
provider hours iconLanguage Immersion

Program details

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About Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School

Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School can be the right fit for the families and children of Los Angeles! Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School hosts early child care and education in a center-based program, giving families the benefits of a structured, stable, enriching learning environment alongside the community that comes with student peers and staff devoted to child care and early education. Centers like Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School are a popular choice for families that are comfortable expanding a student’s horizons beyond the family home or an in-home setting and getting the opportunities to explore. With a full-time schedule, as well, Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School allows parents to work and assume other responsibilities while their children are playing and learning amongst their peers. Children have the opportunity to get used to the natural rhythms of a daily structured learning environment with a full-time schedule, which can help smooth the transition into kindergarten and future education. The full-time schedule allows plenty of opportunities for creativity and fun, too, as the day always feels too short when you’re having fun! Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School also teaches a language immersion curriculum, fully immersing students in the learning of a foreign language in a natural way! Students at Peak Programs - Wilbur Charter School will experience subjects, activities, exercises and play all in a foreign language, rather than a language being taught as a separate subject. Language immersion has been shown to be a fantastic method to help expand students’ horizons and inculcate language abilities at a time where students’ cognitive abilities are taking off.

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