Popescu Family Child Care
5041 Sunnyslope Ave Sherman Oaks, CA
Daycare & Child Care, Preschools, In Home
Ages served
Up to 6 yrs
8:30am - 6pm
Program details
See program details (opens in a new tab)About Popescu Family Child Care
Popescu Family Child Care is an in-home early child care program in Los Angeles. With tight community, family-like environments and small group sizes, home-based child care like at Popescu Family Child Care can be a popular choice for parents and families, especially those looking to secure care for the first or second time outside of the family home. Home-based care also provides a real chance for children to bond with caregivers, as overall settings tend to be smaller than at child care centers, and parents and caregivers can really work as a team to deliver quality care for children. The full-time schedule at Popescu Family Child Care likewise gives parents who want their children to learn and grow as much as possible to do just that! The full-time schedule gives children the opportunity to form in-depth bonds with their classmates and the adults at Popescu Family Child Care and the opportunity to feel a part of a real community outside of the home. Children will play, grow, laugh and learn day in, day out, and with a repeated, structured learning environment, they’ll be well set up for what’s ahead. In addition, Popescu Family Child Care takes a play-based approach to child development and education. Play-based curriculums emphasize students having the independence to explore their own interests at the time, be they creative, constructional, observational or artistic, and emphasize students being hands-on and natural with their activities. Staff at play-based curriculums take an active role in the discovery and learning process, encouraging students to dig in, explore, and cooperate with their peers to create the world around them.