Valerio Elementary Cspp

Valerio Elementary Cspp

15035 Valerio Street Van Nuys, CA

Daycare & Child Care, Preschools, Center

Ages served

3 yrs - 6 yrs


8am - 3pm


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Program details

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About Valerio Elementary Cspp

Valerio Elementary Cspp welcomes the students and families of Los Angeles to its center-based early child care and education facility. As a center, Valerio Elementary Cspp resembles the best of what students will get in the years ahead in structured schooling while maintaining the close community and relationships that’re instrumental in early childhood development. Attending a center benefits students as students will spend their days in a structured, stable environment that hones spatial, vocabulary and other skills with enriching curriculums and activities. Additionally, with convenient part-time care Valerio Elementary Cspp just works for Los Angeles parents. The part-time schedule gives parents the best of both worlds with the ability to have care when they need it but also have their little one in tow when they want adventures together. Children get the benefit of seeing the same faces at Valerio Elementary Cspp day in and day out, forming real bonds and friendships, without yet tackling those full-time schedules that will mark their futures! Valerio Elementary Cspp likewise takes a play-based approach to children's development and learning, facilitating education through interactive, hands-on activities that get children moving. Play-based environments structure their spaces to encourage students to move with independence, passion and explore at their own direction. Staff in these environments encourage and galvanize students to lean into their interests and build their own worlds in cooperation with their peers, and students gain cooperative, social and emotional skills as a result of this community.

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