Zuniga And Angulo-Bustios Family Child Care
6131 Buffalo Ave Van Nuys, CA
Daycare & Child Care, In Home
Ages served
Up to 6 yrs
7am - 7pm
Program details
See program detailsAbout Zuniga And Angulo-Bustios Family Child Care
Zuniga And Angulo-Bustios Family Child Care is an in-home early child care program in Los Angeles. With tight community, family-like environments and small group sizes, home-based child care like at Zuniga And Angulo-Bustios Family Child Care can be a popular choice for parents and families, especially those looking to secure care for the first or second time outside of the family home. Home-based care also provides a real chance for children to bond with caregivers, as overall settings tend to be smaller than at child care centers, and parents and caregivers can really work as a team to deliver quality care for children. The full-time schedule at Zuniga And Angulo-Bustios Family Child Care likewise gives parents who want their children to learn and grow as much as possible to do just that! The full-time schedule gives children the opportunity to form in-depth bonds with their classmates and the adults at Zuniga And Angulo-Bustios Family Child Care and the opportunity to feel a part of a real community outside of the home. Children will play, grow, laugh and learn day in, day out, and with a repeated, structured learning environment, they’ll be well set up for what’s ahead. Zuniga And Angulo-Bustios Family Child Care additionally takes a play-based approach to children's development and learning, facilitating education through interactive, hands-on activities that get children moving. Play-based environments structure their spaces to encourage students to move with independence, passion and explore at their own direction. Staff in these environments encourage and galvanize students to lean into their interests and build their own worlds in cooperation with their peers, and students gain cooperative, social and emotional skills as a result of these communal activities.