Handprints Family Child Care

Handprints Family Child Care

17912 Danube Lane Olney, MD

Daycare & Child Care, In Home

Ages served

1 mos - 6 yrs


8am - 5pm



Handprints Family Child Care

17912 Danube Lane Olney, MD

Handprints Family Child Care

provider age range icon1 mos - 6 yrs
provider hours icon8:00am - 5:00pm
provider hours iconPlay Based

Program details

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About Handprints Family Child Care

Handprints Family Child Care is a business that provides child care services in the Olney, Maryland area. This regular child care facility serves children from three months to six years of age. Their services are safe and secure, providing the parents with an excellent place where their children can be taken care of, grow and learn about the world around them. It is our philosophy to provide a safe loving learning environment where children can develop relationships with both teachers and other children. Children learn through play. Children are provided with opportunities to interact with their peers in a developmentally appropriate environment, a place that is carefully planned to meet the needs of the children who use the space. A developmentally appropriate environment considers the children’s developmental levels, ages, interests, cultures, skills, and abilities. We welcome children of all abilities, high quality programs open their doors to each and every child, including children with special health care needs or disabilities. We offer a balance of child initiated and teacher directed activities. Child initiated activities allow children to select and explore a variety of activities provided by adults; teacher directed activities are led by adults most often to teach new skills or introduce new experiences. During these activities we are reflecting on the interests of the children, their primary language and cultural background. We believe it is important and have a respect for diversity in our program. As family child care, it is our expectation that siblings will spend much of the day together where nurturing and leadership skills are developed.

Team & training

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