Sunshine Learning Academy

Sunshine Learning Academy

7101 Frankford Ave # 25 Philadelphia, PA

Daycare & Child Care, Center

Ages served

2 mos - 13 yrs


6:30am - 6pm

Program details

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About Sunshine Learning Academy

Sunshine Learning Academy proffers early care and education programs in a center setting in Philadelphia. As a center, Sunshine Learning Academy provides a structured, stable environment day in and day out that parents can count on. This school-like learning arena at Sunshine Learning Academy can help prepare students for formal school but also make the most of today, with all the resources and opportunities to explore the world around them and the peer set that provides abundant socialization opportunities. The full-time schedule at Sunshine Learning Academy is also here for you and your child. A full-time schedule gives students the full opportunity for social, behavioral, language and cognitive development. Students will play, interact and laugh with other students their own ages on a daily basis and get the benefits of a dedicated, structured environment. Parents get a real community for their children and the time away to work and take care of other tasks! Additionally, Sunshine Learning Academy takes a nature-focused educational approach that both teaches the value and appreciation of the outdoors alongside stimulating the joy and wonder that comes with playing outside. Students at Sunshine Learning Academy will get time outside to explore, play, and connect with the natural world, all in a supervised space that encourages appropriate risk-taking and hands-on self-expression. Connecting with the natural world at an early age can increase student well-being, confidence, and deepen an appreciation for those things external to themselves.

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