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Building Conversation Skills in Preschool

Discover the importance of conversation skills in children's communication development. Learn strategies and activities to nurture their social interactions and language abilities.

Building Conversation Skills in Preschool

Effective communication is a vital skill that lays the foundation for success in various aspects of life. As children embark on their journey of learning and growth, it’s crucial to nurture their conversation skills from a young age. 

In this article, we’ll explore the significance of conversation in communication, discuss how to teach preschoolers conversation skills, and provide a variety of engaging activities to enhance their conversational abilities.

What is a conversation?

A conversation is an interactive exchange of ideas, thoughts, and information between two or more individuals. It involves a back-and-forth dialogue where participants take turns speaking and listening. Conversations can occur in various settings, such as at home, school, or social interactions. They serve as a platform for individuals to express themselves, share experiences, and connect with others. 

A successful conversation requires practical communication skills and the ability to respond appropriately. In addition, conversations play a big part in receptive language development, social interaction, and cognitive growth, making them an essential aspect of human communication.

Some important conversation skills that support effective communication include:

  • Active listening: Active listening involves giving your full attention to the speaker, maintaining eye contact, showing genuine interest in their words, nodding, and more to demonstrate understanding.
  • Asking questions: Asking questions shows interest in the conversation and helps to gather more information. Open-ended questions encourage further discussion and provide an opportunity for deeper engagement.
  • Expressing thoughts and ideas: Expressing oneself clearly and confidently is a vital conversation skill. It involves organizing thoughts, using appropriate language and vocabulary, and coherently conveying ideas.
  • Turn-taking: Taking turns in a conversation is crucial to maintain a balanced and engaging dialogue. It involves allowing others to speak without interruption, waiting for your turn to contribute, and responding appropriately when it’s your time to speak.
  • Empathy and respect: Demonstrating compassion and care in conversations fosters positive interactions. This includes considering others' perspectives, being sensitive to their feelings, and refraining from judgment or interrupting.
  • Non-verbal communication: Non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, and gestures, play a significant role in conversations. Paying attention to and appropriately using non-verbal communication enhances understanding and adds depth to the discussion.
  • Staying on topic: Maintaining focus on the topic at hand assures a meaningful conversation. It involves avoiding tangents, staying engaged, and guiding the discussion toward relevant points.

Preschool teacher sitting with group of children at storytime.


Importance of conversation in communication

Conversations are vital for communication, particularly for young children. However, conversations can be intimidating—impacting their social interactions and how they navigate situations. Encouraging and teaching children how to join, start, participate, and even end conversations helps them overcome this fear and develop essential communication skills. They lay the foundation for social interaction, sharing information, ideas, knowledge, and experiences, language development, grammar improvement, cognitive growth, and effective communication. 

As children progress and improve their conversation skills, they learn to hold meaningful conversations, connect with others, and resolve conflicts. In the long run, this also contributes to their academic and professional success. Children gain the confidence and tools necessary to communicate effectively by nurturing conversation skills and fostering positive social interactions and personal growth.

How to teach your child conversation skills

Teaching children conversation skills is a key aspect of their communication development. Here are some strategies to help children foster conversation skills: 

  • Develop their feelings vocabulary: Incorporate words that describe feelings into your daily vocabulary. You can also encourage children to discuss their emotions and identify them using the appropriate words, such as sad, angry, and happy.
  • Recognize their feelings: The more children know and feel that they won't be judged or criticized, the more likely they are to share their thoughts and feelings.
  • Encourage role play: Engage in role-playing activities where you and the children act out different emotional scenarios. You can encourage them to use words to describe the emotions they are portraying. 
  • Set an example: Demonstrate positive conversation skills by communicating kindly, openly, and positively with others.

Communication activities

Engaging children in communication activities is a fun and effective way to enhance their language skills, social interaction, and overall communication abilities. As you build your curriculum and create lesson plans, you can use platforms like brightwheel's learning feature to build activities supporting conversation skills development. Here are some simple activities to try:

  • Show and tell: Provide children with the opportunity to bring an item of their choice and share interesting facts or stories about it. This activity encourages them to organize their thoughts, practice public speaking, and engage in meaningful conversations with their peers.
  • Puppet play: Using puppets or stuffed animals, children can create imaginative scenarios and engage in dialogue. This activity promotes creativity, expression, and communication skills as they interact through the voices and actions of their puppets.
  • Conversation starters: Provide children with conversation starters or discussion prompts related to their interests or experiences. This helps them initiate conversations, express their thoughts, and actively engage in meaningful dialogue.
  • Storytelling: Encourage children to create and share their own stories. This activity helps them develop their imagination, vocabulary, and storytelling skills. They can take turns telling stories or collaborate to create a group story.
  • Guessing games: Play games like "I Spy" or "20 Questions" to develop communication and critical thinking skills. Children can take turns describing objects or guessing what others are thinking, using descriptive language and asking relevant questions.
  • Collaborative projects: Engage children in collaborative projects, such as creating a poster or storybook. This activity encourages teamwork and effective communication to achieve a common goal.

Children sitting in a circle in the classroom with their teacher.Source

Make fostering conversation skills exciting

Fostering conversation skills in children can be a compelling journey of growth and development. By creating a supportive and engaging environment, you can help children develop the necessary tools to navigate conversations confidently and skillfully. 

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