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Developmental Domains in Early Childhood

Developmental domains are specific areas of a child’s developmental progress and growth. Understand the physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional domains.

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The first five years of a child's life are some of the most critical years for their development. It's during these years that a child's brain develops faster than at any other time in their life. Children reach several key milestones during these years, from the early stages of crawling, walking, and babbling to running, climbing, and speaking clearly. Each milestone refers to a specific "domain" or area of development.

There are several ways to break down the domains of development. However, this article will discuss the four main domains of child development and what teachers and families can do to help their child progress in each area.

What are developmental domains? 

Developmental domains are specific areas of a child's developmental progress and growth. Each child develops at their own pace, and many factors, including age, genetics, and the environment can affect how and when a child develops.

There are four main domains of a child's development: physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional. Let’s dive deeper into each one.

Physical domain

The physical domain covers physical growth and changes, like increases in height, weight, and muscular strength. It also includes milestones such as walking, crawling, or grasping finger food. Additionally, the physical domain consists of the development of motor skills, including gross and fine motor skills, and the development of the five senses. Here's a deeper look at the difference between gross and fine motor skills. 

  • Gross motor skills: Gross motor skills involve moving large muscles such as the arms, legs, torso, and back. Gross motor involves whole-body movements and allows us to do physical activities such as walking, running, jumping, balancing, and lifting. 
  • Fine motor skills: Fine motor skills involve small body muscles, such as those in hands, wrists, and fingers. The development of these skills refers to coordinating these muscles with eyes to achieve daily activities such as grasping food, turning door knobs, opening zippers, and brushing teeth.

How teachers and families can support a child’s progress in the physical domain 

A child's physical development depends on their physical health and activities. Children must receive the proper food and care to grow in height and gain weight and strength to achieve their milestones. But nutrition is only one of the things needed to help a child's progress. Children also need to be active and engage with their environment. Here are some activities children can engage in to help their progress in the physical domain: 

  • Outdoor play 
  • Tummy time
  • Eating finger foods 
  • Fastening their shoes 
  • Playing at the park 
  • Pushing toys

Cognitive domain

Watching a child play hide and seek or look for a toy you put behind your back are milestones that relate to their cognitive development. Cognitive development involves how children think, explore and figure things out as well as their problem-solving skills and acquisition of knowledge. The cognitive domain, also referred to as the intellectual domain, refers to the intellectual growth of a child, their brain development, and their capacity to learn and understand the world around them. When children develop cognitively, they are able to:

  • Process thoughts
  • Pay attention
  • Develop memories
  • Understand their surroundings
  • Express creativity
  • Create and develop plans

Psychologist Jean Piaget outlined the four stages of cognitive development:

Sensorimotor stage (birth to age 2)

This is the first stage of child development. In this stage, infants and toddlers learn by interacting with their environment and depend on their senses to learn about the world. For example, they may throw things or put them in their mouth to understand how objects and the environment react to their actions. As their physical mobility increases, so does cognitive development. By the end of this stage, they learn object permanence, the idea that things continue to exist even when they cannot be seen. Here are some examples of characteristics in the sensorimotor stage: 

  • Sucking and grasping
  • Shaking a rattle
  • Moving an object that is in the way of an object they want
  • Recognizing objects and people

Preoperational stage (ages 2 to 7) 

During this stage, children learn how to think about things more symbolically. Symbolic thought is the phenomenon where children imagine fake events, objects, places, and people as if they were real. They may use them to represent something similar, such as play dough representing food or creating an imaginary pet or a make-believe superhero. During this stage, language skills also become more substantial, and they can communicate more clearly. Their memory and imagination also develop, allowing them to engage in make-believe. 

Although they can understand a little more about their world, they still cannot fully understand logic and reasoning. Some examples of characteristics of the preoperational stage include:

  • Engaging in pretend play
  • Thinking symbolically or mentally representing objects that aren’t present
  • Understanding conservation, the concept that a quantity stays the same even if you change the size, shape, or container it’s in
  • Playing alongside other children

Concrete operational stage (ages 7 to 11)

Children begin to think more logically and abstractly during this stage and show concrete reasoning. They understand that they have thoughts and feelings and that others may not feel like they do. However, they still struggle to think about abstract ideas or hypothetical situations. The concrete operational stage is also the beginning of a child's ability to see the world from another person's perspective. Some additional developmental changes that take place in the concrete operational stage include:

  • Understanding that other people have their own thoughts
  • Classifying objects and using categorical information to solve problems
  • Concentrating on many aspects of a situation at a time
  • Following instructions with multiple steps
  • Mentally arranging a group of items into a sequence

Formal operational stage (age 12 and up)

The final stage of cognitive development is where a child develops increased logical thinking and the ability to understand abstract ideas. Children in this stage systematically think about things and consider all possibilities. Some examples include: 

  • Developing solutions to problems using logic
  • Considering possible outcomes 
  • Thinking about hypotheticals and forming various solutions to solve them

How teachers and families can help a child’s progress in the cognitive domain 

Children in early education programs are in the sensorimotor and preoperational stages of cognitive development. Educators and families can support infants and young toddlers in the sensorimotor stage by incorporating cognitive activities that engage children’s senses and help them develop object permanence. You can guide children through the preoperational stage by including activities that encourage parallel play and engage the imagination.

Language domain 

The language or communication domain includes a child’s ability to both understand what is being communicated to them and to express themselves verbally. Language development starts in infancy with sounds and gestures and eventually develops into words and complete sentences as children get older. Developing language skills is the first step in literacy as it forms the foundations for early reading and writing.

How teachers and families can support a child’s progress in the language domain

Language development strengthens the development of other early childhood domains. For example, language development helps children’s social-emotional development as they begin to express and regulate their emotions, and develop and maintain relationships with those around them. 

One of the most important things you can do with a child in their early years is read, sing, and talk to them. These activities will have a huge impact on a child’s early language and literacy skills. Other activities include:

  • Singing songs and saying simple rhymes
  • Teaching new vocabulary words
  • Talking in complete sentences 
  • Taking the time to listen and answer their questions 
  • Asking open-ended questions 
  • Pointing out objects and describing them

Social-emotional domain

The social-emotional domain focuses on how children begin to interact and form relationships with others and how they experience, express, and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Children start to gain an understanding of who they are, what they’re feeling, and how they interact with other people. Some examples of social-emotional development include:

How teachers and families can support a child’s progress in the social-emotional domain 

Healthy development of a child's social-emotional milestones begins at home with their parents and caregivers and continues in the classroom where children gain more experience in a social setting. Here are some ways to promote positive social-emotional development: 

  • Practice sharing and taking turns
  • Implement partner and group activities
  • Have discussions about managing emotions
  • Model kindness, positive self-talk, and empathy
  • Read books focused on social-emotional topics

Domain progression

It’s natural for children to progress in different domains at various times and stages. Children may experience significant progress in one domain while developing more slowly in another.

For example, a child focusing on learning to walk, which is in the physical domain, may not experience as much progress in the language domain. This is completely normal as children will all reach developmental milestones at their own unique pace.

Why are developmental domains important and how can teachers use them to assess development? 

It’s important to understand each developmental domain because it can be instrumental in identifying any potential developmental delays or areas where a child may need extra support. By learning this information, you can provide the child with the resources to encourage growth in each of the developmental areas. 

Childcare providers and teachers regularly observe and monitor children’s overall growth and progress in each of the developmental domains. Resources like the Ages and Stages Questionnaire® (ASQ) or a milestone checklist can be used by teachers to track children’s behaviors and detect any delays or concerns early.

With a tool like brightwheel's progress report feature, you can easily monitor and track children's progress. Capture children's achievements and milestones as they happen and create structured child portfolios to share with families. 


It’s important for educators and families to understand child development across various domains: physical, cognitive, social-emotional, and language. While each child progresses at their own pace, it is still possible to offer age-appropriate activities and closely monitor their advancement, providing support tailored to their specific stage of growth.

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