Daycare advertising can significantly impact how you promote your services and attract new families to your childcare program. As more childcare centers open and families' childcare options increase, you need a marketing plan that allows you to stand out amongst your competitors. Effective advertising will communicate what makes your center unique and what families will gain by enrolling.
There are various daycare advertising techniques you can use, such as networking, securing online reviews, and even using word of mouth. Taking the time to develop a well-thought-out advertising campaign can lead to significant growth in your business. Read on for the best tips to advertise your childcare business and boost enrollment at your center.
How to advertise your childcare business
Advertising a childcare business effectively involves a combination of digital and in-person strategies. Online methods include using social media platforms and maintaining a website to enhance your program's visibility. In addition, partnering with local community groups can help build personal connections with families an encourage word-of-mouth referrals. By integrating both digital and in-person approaches, childcare providers can reach a wider audience and foster meaningful connections within their local communities.
Create a website
A website is a great way to advertise your childcare business whether you're just starting a daycare center or have been in business for years. Having a website offers you many benefits as a daycare owner, and it's a great way to provide an excellent first impression. Your website allows you to showcase your services, facilities, staff, curriculum, and more. You can also highlight testimonials and positive reviews from families.
The good news is you don’t have to be a tech expert to create a website. There are several user-friendly options that walk you through the process. Here are four simple steps you can take to create your daycare’s website:
Secure a domain name: If possible, include your childcare center name in your domain name. This will allow your center to be easily searchable online. You can secure your domain on platforms such as for as little as $2.99.
Select a user-friendly website platform: With so many website platforms on the market, it is easy to select a user-friendly option such as Wix or Squarespace to create your site.
- Choose a design template: Many website platforms offer design templates you can choose from, so no graphic design skills are needed. Choose a template that best matches your design preferences and business needs.
- Add relevant sections and content: You can include relevant information such as curriculum and philosophy, admissions procedures, testimonials, security and safety measures, staff information, hours of operation, and an FAQ section.
A polished website helps build trust and credibility and sets you apart from others who either don't have a website or have one that isn't as professional. If you are able to build the site yourself, you can update it regularly to share current information, events, and your enrollment status. With brightwheel's enrollment feature, you can also make it easy for families to submit an application online via a direct link on your program's website. This can help increase your enrollment and eliminate manual work. Creating a website provides a wealth of opportunities for your business, so it's well worth the time and effort.
Encourage word of mouth
Word of mouth is one of the most powerful and highly effective marketing strategies. That's because it's not coming from you. You're not telling prospective families how amazing you are; others are doing the job for you.
When current families are satisfied with your daycare services, they are more likely to share their experience with their friends, family, and colleagues. People are more likely to trust word of mouth than other advertising techniques because it's authentic and is based on real experiences.
To maximize the benefits of word-of-mouth advertising, you can encourage your families to spread the word about your daycare center. You can incentivize referrals by providing tuition discounts or gifts to families whose referrals enroll in your center.
Collect online reviews
Online reviews are similar to word of mouth because they come directly from your families. Prospective families will want to learn about the experiences others have had while at your daycare, and online reviews can make this possible. While word of mouth is fantastic, online reviews can provide a greater reach, as they have the potential to inform far more people about all your center offers. Asking your families for online reviews is certain to build credibility and increase enrollment in your daycare.
You can also repurpose online reviews by adding them to your social media profile, website, and any written materials, like brochures or flyers. Some popular daycare review sites include and
While you're sure to receive many positive reviews, some families may likely leave negative comments too. How you respond can also say a lot about the culture of your daycare center. Be sure to respond to all negative reviews while remaining positive and professional. Parents want to know that you'll take concerns seriously and respond appropriately, so show this in your responses.
Seek out networking opportunities
Networking involves using your relationships with local businesses and organizations to spread the word about your daycare. You can partner with local gyms, child-based activity programs like karate or ballet centers, parent groups, and more. Networking with local real estate agents can also be beneficial, as they can refer clients with children to your center. Essentially, you want to seek out companies that attract children and parents.
You can leave your business cards or flyers at their establishments, be listed as a preferred partner on their websites, set up a booth at their locations, or just come in and talk to their parents about your services.
This is your chance to turn on the charm and show people all the benefits your childcare business has to offer. As you build strong relationships with companies in your community, you'll likely enjoy word-of-mouth advertising as they share good things about your program.
Get creative
You don't have to stick to typical strategies when advertising your daycare business. Consider getting creative to encourage families to make use of your services.
- Offer evening/night care: Think about periodically providing evening care and advertising it as a parents’ night out. You can have children come in the evenings for a few hours while their parents enjoy a child-free night out (or at home). You can consider offering this service to your regular families or to others in the community who don't typically come to you for child care.
- Provide enrichment activities: Consider offering some extracurricular activities at your center that families may want for their children, such as art, music, language, or dance classes. You may consider partnering with a local company that already provides these services and can teach the children at your center.
- Host community events: Families are always looking for fun things to do with their children, so you can make it easy by hosting events at your center. Activities like a Halloween trunk or treat, an Easter egg hunt, or a summer picnic are just some ways you can bring your community together.
- Hold an open house: Sometimes, families want to check out your facilities and meet you and your staff. Consider hosting an open house event quarterly to invite potential families into your center.
By being creative in your advertising efforts, you can effectively promote your daycare, build your reputation within the community, and increase enrollment in your childcare program.
Use social media
Having a social media presence is a great way to increase the visibility of your daycare center. Using social media is a cost-effective way to reach potential customers, and you can determine how much effort you put into it. Many platforms exist, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, allowing you to reach a large audience of families who may be seeking childcare services.
Use your social media to share images and videos of your facility, post updates and information about your services, and interact with current and prospective families. Consistently posting content allows you to build a solid online presence and generate great brand awareness.
While social media is free to use, you can also try paid advertising to target more of your ideal customers. Social media advertising allows you to target specific demographics that you want your business in front of.
Incorporate technology
Many families appreciate using technology to communicate important information and stay in touch. Highlighting some of the technology you use at your center can be a selling point when recruiting families to your daycare center.
A tool like brightwheel's communication feature simplifies family engagement by enabling you to send real-time messages and newsletters all from the same platform you use for billing, admissions, and classroom management. Staff can message families directly and share their children’s progress, giving families a glimpse into their child’s day.
Families will appreciate knowing that you have efficient processes in place, setting you apart from other centers.
Attract new families with effective daycare advertising
Your daycare advertising strategies can have a significant impact on the success of your business. Use various methods to determine which is most effective and impactful for you. Over time you'll reach more of your ideal customers and showcase why you stand out from other centers. You can get creative and innovative or stick to tried-and-true methods. Either way, advertise consistently to keep your roster and waitlist full.
Brightwheel is the complete solution for early education providers, enabling you to streamline your center’s operations and build a stand-out reputation. Brightwheel connects the most critical aspects of running your center—including sign in and out, parent communications, tuition billing, and licensing and compliance—in one easy-to-use tool, along with providing best-in-class customer support and coaching. Brightwheel is trusted by thousands of early education centers and millions of parents. Learn more at